7 Technologies That are Changing the World
Guest Post
It is an age-old cliché that the only constant in this world is change. However, thanks to modern technologies, the rate of change experienced in the last few decades has been unbelievable. What seemed impossible thirty years back may now be the new normal.
Improving technologies aided by the advent of the internet is the primary driver of the life-altering changes we're experiencing. These advancements have become the tools needed to create even more breathtaking technologies that are genuinely changing the world. Let's dig into some of the technologies that bring about these changes and continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Advanced Robotics
Humans have limits when it comes to the manufacturing process. They often cannot achieve the design precision or not at speed required for commercial production. Advanced robotics help accomplish both. The global mass output has accelerated with these manufacturing robots.
Apart from the industrial sector, robotics arms are also helping in other fields such as medicine. Robots are aiding surgeries on an experimental basis which will help save lives in the future. They are also used for dangerous jobs such as bomb disposal, inspecting oil lines, and firefighting.
Autonomous Vehicles
Numerous auto manufacturers are testing autonomous vehicles or self-driven cars. Once these are available for commercial use, they will revolutionize how we travel.
Travel will eventually become stress-free, and people will enjoy the ride along with their family members.
It will be like a chauffeur-driven car, except there will be no one at the driving seat, allowing you all the privacy in the world.
3-D Printing
Also referred to as the additive manufacturing process, it works by laying layers of material one upon another, guided by a 3-D design on a computer. The impact of this manufacturing process is quite unbelievable.
From manufacturing spare parts for cars to mass-producing lighter aircraft parts, 3-D printing has many uses. It is also extensively used in the healthcare industry, with certain body replacement parts manufacturing taking place as per individual needs.
The technology can help in making even the most intricate cake designs.
Technology continues to evolve, and we will surely see it improving our lives for the better in the years and decades to come.
Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a revolutionary concept that connects devices to the internet through wireless mediums to transfer and share valuable data.
Essentially, the technology makes devices smart and more reliable with timely updates. Your dishwasher, for example, may improve its overall performance with updates from the manufacturer.
The technology is currently being used on a limited scale. For IoT to be widespread, 5G technology is a must. In the coming years, one can expect more and more devices to be connected and offer further ease in life.
Quantum Computing
When the computer came to the fore, it was a revolution even though it needed many rooms to house the machine. With time, its size shrunk, and computing power improved. Now quantum computing is being introduced, which works with qubits instead of the traditional bits.
Unlike conventional machines, qubits have a third state called "superposition," allowing them to represent one or a zero simultaneously.
This seemingly simple change helps these machines to compute hundreds of times faster than a regular computer.
Once there is a mass production of these computers, they will accelerate the development in all fields. Calculations that would otherwise take months and years will now be completed in hours, even minutes.
The quick calculations will have a massive impact on research, and one hopes that humans can use the technology to solve the most critical problems it faces today. It is finding cures to diseases like cancer and counter the extreme changes in the weather.
Voice Assistants
Voice assistants are not the most significant development on the list, but they have brought many changes to our lives. People can direct devices such as Siri and Jarvis to perform searches for them, even book reservations for dinner, and order goods online.
Home assistants such as Alexa can remind you of your favorite programming, adjust your home's temperature when you need it, and help operate many machines connected to the internet. It is an excellent bit of convenience, especially when you need to turn the lights off and can't find the strength to leave the bed.
Another highly impactful voice service is the ability to dictate word processing software. Initially, there were glitches in these programs, but they appear to have improved unbelievably in the last few years. The speech-to-text support can save a lot of time and effort in the drafting of a document.
Contactless Payments
Cash used to be king for a long time. However, contactless payments are overtaking the use of cash. They include key fobs, smart cards, credit cards, debit cards, and other devices, including smartphones and other mobile devices, using radio-frequency identification (RFID) or near field communication (NFC).
The payment is received through a chip in the point of sale, which can detect the device transferring funds. These payments lower the need to carry cash and also facilitate the payment process.
Keeping track of expenditures also becomes more manageable. It also allows the governments to track the volume of transactions, helping in curbing tax fraud.
Technology is constantly evolving and making life easier for people. Researchers are working day and night to develop newer, more practical innovations that the masses can afford.
The consistent hard work has paid off in the recent decades, with many technologies significantly improving the quality of life.
The betterment can be experienced both at our personal and professional levels. A more efficient computer can help scientists accelerate their work. Similarly, a self-driving car back home can allow much-needed rest during rush hour.
It is imperative that these changes continue for the human race to grow further and find answers to some of the most complex problems. The current innovations can at least partially address some of these problems. Hopefully, soon these technologies will help humans overcome them altogether.
About The Author
Craig Sheer
Craig Sheer is the owner of Sheer Print Solutions, located in New York City & Portchester, NY. We are the proven leader for affordable, high-quality Digital and Offset, and Large Format Printing in NYC. Sheer Printing Solutions is your single source for solutions to all your printing, binding, warehousing and fulfillment needs.