Printing for Educational InstitutionsOther than textbooks, what does printing have to do with educational institutions? The answer is “a great deal”. The world may have gotten more digital over the past couple of decades, but there will always be a place for printed materials. In fact, even millennials, who were raised in the digital age respond better to printed material according to a major study. Printed material works on both the decision-making parts of the brain as well as the parts that correspond to desirability, the perception of value and motivation. With this in mind, printed materials in educational institutions are necessary for many areas.


You are in business to educate but the word to remember here is “business”. You need to draw students to your institution if you are to succeed. Directly mailing brochures to prospective students is going to gain more response than digital ads. You can personalize a printed brochure, address prospective students directly in letters and create a product that reminds the prospective students and their parents of your presence every time they see the letter or brochure lying on a table.


Alumni are often the biggest financial donors to an educational institution. Printed requests, an alumni newsletter they can carry in their purse or briefcase for reading anywhere and printed invitations to alumni and fund-raising events are all things that will get a better response than a quickly sent email. The printed material conveys the message that “you are worth our time and attention”.


The above-noted study also found that people are seventy percent more likely to remember something they physically held and read over something they read digitally. It helps to give students printed handbooks, post printed flyers and provide other printed materials that are created to convey important messages.

Many textbooks are now in ebook form, which does save a student money, but it also limits the potential for remembering what is learned. Supplemental materials can be provided to help enhance the learning process. Offering printed instructions for research projects and other major assignments allows the student to more fully understand what is expected.

These are only a few of the many ways in which educational institutions can benefit from printing. In a world where digital material is so prevalent, printing allows material to stand out, be noticed and be remembered. Printing conveys the message “I am important. Notice me!” Here at Sheer printing, we want you to be noticed.

Final Words

Sheer Print Solutions makes it our mission to treat each one of our customers as though they are the most important one we have. We have years of experience behind us and our past customers can convey the speed, reliability, and skill with which we treat your project. Fill out the form on this page or call us today at 212-627-1500 to discuss your needs and receive a quote. We look forward to serving your printing needs.

Printing Resources for Educational Institutions